Avoiding Mistakes With Your Car Accident Claim

If you have been a victim in a car accident, you will want to be informed about the numerous options that may be available to you as a way of recovering compensation. While car accidents can be a major legal issue for a person to experience, it may not be as complicated or difficult for the victim as they may have assumed. Understand That The Insurance May Not Always Share Your Interests In The Case

Is It A Joke Or Harassment At Work? What You Need To Know

In the workplace, many people feel they have a close enough relationship that they feel comfortable telling the occasional joke or acting humorously around each other. However, you or one of your co-workers may cross a thin line between humor and harassment. If you feel like someone you work with has been harassing you under the guise of humor, you should consider the following: Is a Joke Really Harassment? By law, harassment in the workplace is any type of discrimination that violates the codes within the ADA, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, or the Civil Rights Act.

Who's Responsible for a Truck Accident Caused by a Defective Tire?

There are several different ways a defective tire can cause a truck accident. Depending on exactly what happened in your accident, there may be multiple parties you can attempt to recover from. Here's what you should know. What Types of Defective Tire Truck Accidents Are There? There are two general categories of defective tire truck accidents. One is where a tire blows out or falls apart and causes the truck driver to lose control.

Hiring A DUI Lawyer: FAQs For Prospective Clients

DUI offenses are always scary. There is such a negative stigma associated with driving under the influence that the outcome of a guilty verdict can be all-out calamity in your life. Finding a DUI attorney for help is one of the best things you can do to better your chances of a successful outcome.  Can you get a free consultation with a DUI lawyer? Most attorneys do offer free consultations, including DUI attorneys.

When And How Can You Use Justification As A Criminal Defense?

It's not uncommon for someone telling their story to a criminal attorney to insist their actions leading up to being charged were justified. Depending on the nature of the accusations, it might be possible. However, there are a few things the people at a criminal law firm will want you to understand before asserting this defense. Should You Make It Right Away? No, you should not. The potential problem with this kind of defense is that it's considered affirmative.