Commonly Used Defenses To Defamation Lawsuits

When someone has made a defamatory statement about you, you have the right to take legal action and file a lawsuit. Unless the defendant is willing to pay up for his or her transgression against you, you could be faced with fighting your case in court. To help with your preparations for court, it is important that you know the possible defenses the defendant could use. The Truth The basis of a defamatory statement is that it is false.

No License, No Car, No Mercy: 3 Worrying Hidden Consequences Of Getting A DUI

Fines and jail time are the two most commonly-discussed consequences of getting a DUI conviction, but you could be facing quite a few other serious problems. In fact, sometimes you don't even have to be guilty to be punished! If you weren't dead-set on avoiding a DUI already, some of these lesser-known punishments will make your mind up for you. You Can Suffer Suspension For Refusing Testing When you are arrested, you might think you have a choice in whether or not you take a blood, urine, or breath test for alcohol.

Helping Your Children Through A Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a very hard thing, especially with children involved. There can be feelings of resentment, anger, betrayal and other negative feelings towards a former spouse. In these times it is important to stay calm and have a good divorce attorney that can help represent you and your needs. Even though you are feeling all of these different emotions, it is important to remember that the children involved in this divorce are probably having an even harder time than you are.